Portfolio HR Audit
(The definitive set of organisational audit tools for your HR function and your people policies)
Hotel Bintang Griya Wisata, 7 - 8 Oktober 2009
(The definitive set of organisational audit tools for your HR function and your people policies)
Hotel Bintang Griya Wisata, 7 - 8 Oktober 2009
Investasi : (Early Bird) Rp 3.000.000,-
Bonus: Kumpulan Full Toolkit & Buku Portfolio HR Audit senilai US $ 760,-
Bonus: Kumpulan Full Toolkit & Buku Portfolio HR Audit senilai US $ 760,-
Ingin Mendapatkan Tools & Metoda Proses HR Audit yang lengkap dan komprehensif ?
Dapatkan semuanya dalam workshop ini
Pasti Baru dan Beda !!
Dapatkan semuanya dalam workshop ini
Pasti Baru dan Beda !!
Latar Belakang
Audit HR merupakan salah satu kegiatan dalam rangka proses pengembangan HR. Banyak cara dan model yang dikembangkan dalam audit HR ini, antara lain HR assessment, mulai dari kuisioner sampai level advance, per seksi atau kegiatan, ada pula yang komprehensif bahkan sampai ada yang ke portofolionya.
Dalam workshop ini, HR Audit akan diberikan untuk level advance dan yang diaudit adalah sisi portofolionya. Disamping itu ada panduan untuk proses perubahan dari kondisi aktual menuju kondisi ideal HR.
Ruang lingkup workshop Portfolio HR Audit terdiri dari 12 modul, yaitu Kebijakan atau peraturan (Policies), Compensation & Benefit atau Reward & Benefit, Organisasi/Unit Departemen, Training dan Development, Employee Motivation, Payroll, HR Planning, Performance Management, Leadership skill, HRIS, Team dan fungsi HR. Pada masing-masing area tersebut akan diberikan panduan tata cara dalam mengauditnya sampai keluar hasilnya. Kemudian tata cara melakukan perubahan menuju kearah perbaikan. Keunikan workshop ini adalah di setiap area pembahasan dilengkapi tools yang memudahkan pelaku audit dalam melakukan kegiatannya sehingga langsung dapat disesuaikan atau di-customize sesuai jenis perusahaan atau industrinya.
Masing-masing modul area tersebut dikembangkan oleh para konsultan dan pelaku bisnis yang kemudian dipublikasikan oleh Cambridge Strategy Publications (CSP).
Siapa yang perlu hadir
Para praktisi HR yang sedang melakukan audit internal HR, Para Konsultan, Para praktisi HR yang menangani masalah Kebijakan atau peraturan (Policies), Compensation & Benefit atau Reward & Benefit, Organisasi development, Training dan Development, Motivation, Payroll, HR Planning, Performance Management, HRIS.
Kumpulan Full Toolkit & Buku Portfolio HR Audit senilai US $ 760,- (Rp 7.250.000,-) sebanyak 12 buku (bila terpisah senilai US $ 145,- / buah) dari Cambridge Strategy Publications, UK
Bpk. Heru Wiryanto
Beliau adalah Lulusan Psikologi Universitas Padjadjaran, Member dari American Psycholgist Association, British Psychologist Society, beliau juga Assisted the International Personnel Management Assoc Assessment Council, Master Trainer for Graphology and Psychometric Tools. Sekarang beliau sedang menyelesaikan program S3 di Universitas Indonesia.
Hari I (09.00 - 16.00)
The Audit
What is a non-financial audit?
What functions, areas, systems and processes lend themselves to an audit?
When - and how often - to conduct an audit
What audits can and can't achieve
Proses audit
Who to involve and put in charge
How to create a self-assessment project plan
How to analyse, share and act on audit results
How to build an ongoing audit program
Tools dan Teknik Audit
Data gathering: Ground-rules for surveys, interviews, focus groups and questionnaires
Data evaluation: The 6 tools for analysing self-assessment data - how, when and where to use them
Data comparison: How to use Competitive and Process Benchmarking for company self-assessment
Hari II (09.00 - 16.00)
Lingkup Audit:
1. The People Policies Audit : The tools to help you align your people policies with your organization�s strategic objectives
2. The Reward and Benefit Audit : An 8-Step Approach to ensure that your company can attract, retain and motivate the best people available
3. The Organizational Change Audit : How to design, implement and evaluate organizational change initiatives in your business
4. The Training And Development Audit : A 3-Part guide to measuring and improving the effectiveness of Training and Development (T&D) activities right across your business.
5. The Employee Motivation Audit : An 8-Step audit to help you measure and improve the way you motivate employees and win and retain their commitment
6. The Payroll Audit : Ensure that payroll is punctual, accurate, secure and used effectively as a management tool
7. The Human Resource Planning Audit : A 6-Step audit to help you estimate your organization�s future workforce requirements - and the available supply of labour
8. The Performance Management Audit : How to manage and continuously improve performance in your organization
9. The Leadership Skills Audit : A guide to measuring and improving the effectiveness of leaders at every level of your organization
10. The HR Information Systems Audit : How to manage and continuously improve performance in your organization
11. The Teams Audit : Measure and improve the way your organization uses and support teams and teamwork
12. The Human Resource Function Audit : Analyze and evaluate the role of your HR function and its contribution to the organization
Hotel Bintang Griya Wisata
9.00 s/d 16.00 WIB
7 - 8 Oktober 2009
Tempat Terbatas !!
No Account
BCA - KCP Ahmad Yani - Bekasi
No. Rek : 739 041 0829 a/n Bahari Antono
(Early Bird) Rp 3.000.000,-
Pembayaran setelah 7 Oktober 2009 Rp. 3.500.000,-
Ms. Rani Kartika
Ms. Citra Permata Sari
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